
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018


Mark Pagel says that we thrive in a way that no other species does, this because of our ability to produce language. According to the author, this is the most valuable feature we have and it is a wonderful irony that our languages exist to prevent us from communicating. In this sense, I agree with Pagel when he talks about the subversive power of language, language has the potential to change reality. As humans we have an amazing power, language acting as a container of culture, allows us to create realities, creating distinctions between people, between men and women, often excluding other diversities. However, today we have the perfect tool to convert that reality. Mr. Page's saying "social learning is a visual theft" means that we can learn from other people by watching, coping and imitating, in this process, we steal the best ideas for other people. For me, this discussion is not necessarily a negative thing because it is something that we currently have

Writing an introduction

Background Anthropology is configured as the study of the human being in an integral way, both in the present and in the future, and even in a future perspective, it’s a science that studies the cultural, social and physical spheres of the human being. In our country, the Anthropology is part of the social sciences, dividing his field of study into 3; Social Anthropology, Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. According to the portal uchile.cl, Social Anthropology is dedicated to the study of contemporary human groups”, Archeology deals with research and analysis of the material culture of societies from the remote and recent past” and Physical Anthropology studies human biology in relation to culture. Chile, is a relatively new country in the field of anthropology, although it opened in the 70s at the University of Chile, it has gradually been incorporated into other universities. However, one of the main problems of anthropology in our country is that the "physical" m