Writing an introduction

Anthropology is configured as the study of the human being in an integral way, both in the present and in the future, and even in a future perspective, it’s a science that studies the cultural, social and physical spheres of the human being. In our country, the Anthropology is part of the social sciences, dividing his field of study into 3; Social Anthropology, Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. According to the portal uchile.cl, Social Anthropology is dedicated to the study of contemporary human groups”, Archeology deals with research and analysis of the material culture of societies from the remote and recent past” and Physical Anthropology studies human biology in relation to culture.
Chile, is a relatively new country in the field of anthropology, although it opened in the 70s at the University of Chile, it has gradually been incorporated into other universities. However, one of the main problems of anthropology in our country is that the "physical" mention is only possible to study in two universities; University of Chile and University of Concepción.
Recent studies mainly produced by students and graduates of physical anthropology, have made visible the actual situation of the career; deficient university education, unemployment, precarization, power abuse, harassment and sexual abuse against women studients, generating a wave of protests about the development of physical anthropological practice in our country.
Considering the vast importance that physical anthropology has for a country to understands the human being, specially the direct impact that it has on human rights issues, in June of this year, thanks to the feminist movement that takes places in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile, the students and graduates of physical anthropology lauch an statement about the deficient, poor and misogynistic practices in the university. The students argue that physical mention is the smallest mention of anthropology, there is even only one "physical anthropologist" who teaches at the university Moreover, according to sources of the year 2017, only 44.7% of graduates get a job, while 55% don’t have work access, they only have  the chance to get a job if they have postgraduate studies.
Regardless of the fact of bad university practices, poor education, overcrowding in classrooms, poor experienced laboratories etc., female students have to deal constantly with misogynistic practices on the part of faculty and academic staff. 


It's important to emphasise the important role that anthropology plays in a country and the culture, being necessary, for the solution of this serious problem, the expansion of the academic body and teachers, who must have training as a physical anthropologist, as well as to reform and update the academic content, in order to have a competent physical anthropology and committed to the development and understanding of the society. In addition, it's necessary to generate social relationships outside the patriarchal margins and male power, to make more powerfull the physical anthropology in women.
Paradoxically, there is still much to teach about the anthropological culture in our country and society, 


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